
AmeriFlux and FluxNet


AmeriFlux and FluxNet are Department of Energy (DOE) funded organizations which bring together scientists from around the world to create a knowledge repository for carbon, soil flux data and research. Old technology and website held them back from true real time collaboration and progress in research. We evaluated the existing websites and created a modern web-app for the global distribution and publication of scientific data.


  • Internationalization at global level for 100+ countries.
  • A scalable data architecture and QA/QC framework that can last 20+ years.
  • Upgrading to new technology seamlessly without creating new challenges.

Methods and Key Results

International user study conducted remotely and on-site in Colorado and Inria, France.
Website heuristics, expert analysis conducted and a full report produced with timelines and projects for long term success
CMS upgrades aimed at UX improvements for SEO (load times, performance, semantic page structure and deep linking)
Launched brand new data products, visualization and QA/QC frameworks on the newly made portal
The family of websites was fully upgraded to make use of latest Wordpress features, SEO and CTA optimizations as well as best in class experience. Our platform continues to be used more than a decade later to deliver innovation to scientists and collaborators everywhere.

DOE, UC-Berkeley, Lawrence Berkeley National Lab