Brook Preloader

Futuristic Grocery Checkout Solution


Our clients were launching the new no-checkout technology in their stores. This calls for a kiosk that makes it possible for the shoppers to quickly complete their shopping trip with one tap. The only step that is required is a simple QR code scan, a credit card swipe, or a quick tap with Apple or Google pay. Infinate was asked to create the software and user experience for this new method of checkout that can revolutionize an entire industry.

We partnered with a kiosk supplier to create a modern yet friendly kiosk which is also robust and holds up to the demands of continuous use. Then we created several prototypes to assess the usability and optimize the form factor and ergonomics. We partnered with payment providers to integrate credit cards and app based payments to both be just as fast. This was done to ensure the best possible experience in all cases.


Our clients are investigating ideas to personlize and optimize the experience further for their particular customer bases.

The kiosks are evolving meet and stay ahead of customer demands, accommodating more complex needs and scenarios. They are being tested at different use cases like stadiums, offices and furniture stores to ubiquitize the future of checkout.

Kiosk App, Mobile App